Dear Senior Living Directors:
For the past 15 years, our team has participated in helping Veteran families qualify for over $250 Million in paid out Aid and Attendance pension claims. Look, we understand that the senior living industry is saturated with companies and organizations who market this benefit for the sole purpose of luring Veteran families into pursuing outside services or into purchasing unrelated products.
Senior Living Solutions, LLC is passionate about helping Veterans qualify and eventually obtain this wonderful benefit that they’ve earned. Every member of our staff is either a Veteran or a family member of a Veteran. We are looking to partner and cultivate exclusive relationships with prominent senior living community organizations such as yours, in an effort to minimize the harm a Veteran family may experience when they end up working with an organization that possesses ulterior motives, or one without the proper experience required to facilitate consistent Aid and Attendance approvals for them.
Currently, Senior Living Solutions, LLC helps between 15-20 Veteran families qualify and obtain this pension every month. We need to be helping more families and that’s where you come in!
It is estimated that about 12 million eligible wartime Veterans never receive this pension for one unfortunate reason or another. That does not include their surviving spouses. Without proper guidance from a senior living community, the Veteran’s chances of securing this benefit are extremely low. That’s a shame because it can pay up to $3,740 per month. It all starts with you! You have the platform to help families obtain this pension, and without you, they never learn about it!
It has never been more important for a Veteran family to work with an experienced team than it is today. 90% of Veteran families that contact us are eligible, but not qualified. That means 90% of the time the family requires some sort of planning or repositioning prior to applying for this benefit. That is a staggering number and a huge contributor as to why so many never receive the Aid and Attendance benefit. The notion that Veteran families can just go to the local VA for assistance is foolish and incorrect. They MUST have an experienced team to help them navigate through the extremely complicated qualifying process followed by the extremely confusing application process.
We feel that we are the organization for you. We don’t require the Veteran families to invest assets with us or purchase financial products from us. We have been helping Veteran families obtain this benefit for as long as anyone in the industry. We force the VA to award the benefit by placing our families in a position where they are 100% compliant, 100% eligible and 100% qualified.
We need to continue to grow in order to help more Veteran families, and we need your assistance to do that. We hope you will consider trusting Senior Living Solutions, LLC with your families. We will not let you down! Thank you for your time. Thank you for all you do to help our Veteran families! We look forward to working with you.
Please take a few minutes to view our highly educational Aid and Attendance Webinar !
Senior Living Solutions, LLC
Why Choose Senior Living Solutions, LLC?
The Aid & Attendance Benefit
Copyright © 2018 Senior Living Solutions, LLC